Nadezhda Sergeeva

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Nadezhda Sergeeva


The Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where I studied, is my “alma mater” and my home. Ten memorable years full of aspiration, experience, raises and wins were spent under watchful eyes of renowned Russian harpists Irina Pashinskaya and Yelena Ilyinskaya, and were completed with obtaining the Diploma with honors and the title “the Graduate of the year” in 2013.

Essential part of my portfolio consists of significant and remarkable Russian and foreign compositions. As well I am highly inspired to play solo and chamber variations of unknown composers. Sometimes I just stumble across their works in some library or archive abroad. I cannot imagine anything to be much more exciting than playing for the first time a newly discovered story.

While thinking about my performances in Russia I am remembering several on which to remark : principal performing in the Great, Small and Rakhmaninov Halls of the Moscow Conservatory, concert in the Moscow International Performing Arts Center, and musical evenings in the F.I. Chaliapin House and the S.S.Prokofyev House. Surely the great experience in my performing career is being reached while guesting in such famous places as Rome, Torino, Milano, Latina, Venice, Messina, Madrid, Toledo and Montevideo.

The great thing is that I have been taught by the best and my natural desire is to teach next generation, to let them make a step forward and watch them growing. So the significant part of my life takes teaching in the Moscow N.S.Golovanov Children School of Arts and giving master classes for young musicians in Russia and abroad.

The music world is very special, and I truly hope that the siren melody of harp will deeply inspire your heart.