René Lozynski

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René Lozynski


René Lozynski,

studied Double-Bass, Electric Bass, Jazz-Arrangement, Jazz-Improvisation (with 16), Orchestra- and Chamber Music at the Highschools of Cologne, Düsseldorf, Essen and at the Jazzhaus Cologne.

He finished with the Master of Art. Later he studied Culture Management in Berlin. His teacher were Hartmut Kracht, Prof. Michael Wolf, Prof. Dieter Manderscheidt, Prof. Peter Herborn, Bruno Suys (Belgium), Francois Rabbath, Franco Petracci and others. He joined the master-classes of the Jazzlegends Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke and Jonas Hellborg.

With 18 he already played in a lot of Jazz Clubs and won the first price in the catagory of Jazz Trio.

After his studies he won the competion to be the First Solobass of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London and played here with Danielle Gatti and Sir Colin Davis.

Back from London he played more Solo- and Chamber Music and 4 Pieces for Bass solo from 4 different composer (Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria) are dedicated to him and he played the premiere of those pieces in solo recitals.

For a decade he was the music director of the „Burghofbühne“ and here he composed a lot of theatre music for different pieces – his compostion for „Der Totmacher“ was nominated for the German Theatre Price.

Beside of this René Lozynski teached Music Theatre at a college and of course bass at a music-school and in master classes – his students won international prices in europe and asia.

He founded a lot of groups and ensembles like the „René Lozynski Group“ or the „Working Divas“ here he played the german tour of „Sony Music Lounge“ and was finally invited for the opening concert of the „Leverkusen Jazz Festival“ in 2004 (a dream of his youth).

He also played as a studio musician in a lot of CD- or Radio- Productions, as a guest for german TV-Stations (with f.e. Robbie Williams, Madonna, Al Jarreau, Scorpions, Anna Netrebko and many more) and in a lot of german orchestras and theatres like Munich, Cologne, Essen, Koblenz, Dortmund, Duisburg, Düsseldorf and so on. Here he established a lot of friendships.

In 2014 he was honored be the Motown Legends like Ralphe Amstrong, Reginald Canty, Kern Brantley and Lamont Johnson to be the first european bassist that is part of the Detroit Bass Players and later to be part of the Detroit Bass Player School. He is every year inveted to play at the Detroit Bass Day – the Hall of Fame.

The American Jazz Magazin wrote „Lozynski is the Tiger“ and honored him with „Bass Player of the Year“.

With the bass legends Dave Holland and Jonas Hellborg he has stable contact and a friendship.

In 2014 the american Bassmaker Ned Steinberger wanted René Lozynski to play his new Bass „NS-CR 4“ and since that time he is endorsing this basses.

René Lozynski is the Orchestra Supervisor of the „Deutsche Oper am Rhein“ in Düsseldorf
– Duisburg and he is consulting the german goverment in „international music“.