Dmitriy Onishchenko

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Dmitriy Onishchenko


Dmitriy ONISHCHENKO was born in 1983 in Lviv (Ukraine). In 2006 he graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire (Class Prof. Yuri Lisichenko, Prof. Lev Naumov, Prof. Andrei Diev). In 2003-2004 he also studied at the Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK) in the class of Prof. Norma Fisher. Since 2006 and until 2013 has studied at the High School of Music in Hannover (Germany) first with prof.Vladimir Krainev and later with prof. Arie Vardi. At the same time from 2006 to 2009 was taking a Postgraduate Course in Moscow conservatoire (with prof. Andrei Diev). Also from 2000 till 2008 he was a student at Lviv National Academy of Music (prof.Irina Nemira, prof. Natalia Gramoteyeva, prof.Maria Krykh)

He was a fellow of Vladimir Krainev, Mstislav Rostropovich, and President of Ukraine scholarships.

Dmitry has got prizes at the Tchaikovsky International Competition (Moscow, 2002) International Competition Vianna da Motta (Lisbon, 2007, second prize without first awarded.). First prizes at the international competitions: in Memory of Vladimir Horowitz (Kiev, 2001) Vladimir Krainev International (Kharkov, 2000.). Mykola Lysenko International (Kiev, 2007.), the International Competition of Young Performers in Enschede (Netherlands, 2004).
He has performed in cities across Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, Jordan, USA, Japan and many others.