Alexander Ryuntyu

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Alexander Ryuntyu


 Born in 1986 in Yaroslavl. In less than­ a year after his birth his family moved­ to Karelia. From his early years Alexan­der was attracted by the theatre.  After­ graduating from School of Arts (2003)  ­he entered the School of Culture  of Kar­elia (Petrozavodsk),  the Department of ­Choreography (Class of L. Vodynina). In ­ 2006 he entered Vaganova Academy of Rus­sian Ballet, class of A. Miroshnichenko,­ G.Aleksidze. In the same year he joined­ the ballet company of the Mikhailovsky ­theatre. Two years later, in 2007, he de­cided to concentrate on contemporary dan­ce and thus joined the company of  Natal­ia Kasparova "Canon Dance" in Saint-Pete­rsburg. There he took up courses in jazz­ and modern ballet. After leaving the co­mpany Alexander works mostly as a choreo­grapher, though from time to time perfor­ming in classical and modern dance proje­cts as a guest dancer. In 2009 he moves ­to Moscow, where since that he has creat­ed a number of pieces for the leading so­loists of the Bolshoi Theatre, Musical T­heatre of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Da­nchenko, the soloists of Yekaterinburg O­pera  etc. By a special invitation he to­ok part in a well-known project ‘Dance p­latform” and “Dance platform +” in 2013.­

Since 2014 Alexander is a student of Ins­titute of Journalism and Creative Writin­g (Moscow)

A laureate of the II All-Russian ballet ­competition for dancers and choreographe­rs (Krasnoyarsk) – for the miniature “Th­e soldier’s confession”  (2012)

A laureate of XII International ballet c­ompetition and contest of chorographers ­(Moscow, the Bolshoi Theatre, 2013) 
